Tous / Resurfacing / Micro-aiguille + PRP

Micro-aiguille + PRP

Nous vous promettons que cela semble plus effrayant qu'il ne l'est ! Ce traitement mini-invasif crée des « micro-blessures » invisibles à la surface de la peau et incorpore du plasma riche en plaquettes ultra-cicatrisant, déclenchant la production de collagène et d'élastine, minimisant les cicatrices et l'hyperpigmentation, permettant aux produits de pénétrer plus profondément dans la peau et favorisant un éclat sain. .

prix: $2,069.00

durée: 40 min

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Microneedle + PRP


Single Treatment

Microneedle + PRP


Series of 4

Prix ​​par soin


Pour de meilleurs résultats, nous vous recommandons de suivre ce traitement en série.


  • Drink lots of water in the days prior to your appointment.
  • Avoid sun exposure for a few weeks prior to your appointment.
  • Scale back on topical exfoliants, including acids and retinoids, in the days leading up to your appointment.
  • Avoid alcohol a day or two before your treatment (sorry!)
  • Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen, fish oil, and Vitamin E for 10-14 days prior to treatment.
  • Make sure to eat something prior to your appointment, as we will be drawing blood!
  • If you opted for numbing, your provider will apply numbing cream to the area prior to treatment. While the numbing cream works its magic, your provider will draw a small amount of your blood in order to extract PRP. During treatment, you won’t feel any pain, however you may feel a slight stinging sensation and vibrations from the microneedling pen.
  • If you get cold sores, let your provider know so they can prescribe a preventative medication.
  • You may experience stinging and redness (like a sunburn) immediately after treatment. Both are normal, and redness will subside after a few days.
  • Don't book a facial on the same day you’re receiving microneedling.
  • Go without makeup the day and night of your treatment.
  • Apply sunscreen like it’s your job — regularly and thoroughly!
  • Avoid exfoliating or using any products with active ingredients until your skin is completely back to normal — your provider will advise how soon you will be able to return to your regular skincare routine.
  • Reach out to us if you experience a rash, severe breakout, or anything unusual after your procedure. We're here for you!


Plus de traitements à considérer



Fraxel est le traitement incontournable pour améliorer les rides, lisser considérablement la texture et éclaircir l'hyperpigmentation tenace.


Laser facile


Ce laser personnalisable améliore considérablement l'acné, réduit l'apparence des pores, cible et traite la décoloration, les cicatrices et les rougeurs pour une peau plus lumineuse, plus calme et plus uniforme. Un super soin pour un éclat général !


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