All / Injectables / Kybella


The first of its kind, Kybella is an injectable fat dissolver made of deoxycholic acid. It’s specifically designed to treat “submental fullness” —a.k.a double chin. It works gradually and usually requires up to six treatments, scheduled six to eight weeks apart, for a defined jawline.

price: $1,445.00 +

duration: 30 min

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  • Drink lots of water in the days prior to your appointment.
  • Avoid alcohol a day or two before your treatment (sorry!)
  • Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen, fish oil, and Vitamin E for 10-14 days prior to treatment.
  • Make sure to eat something prior to your appointment, as there may be some pain after the injections.
  • You may feel minimal discomfort during the injections, but the process is quick!
  • Within a few minutes after the injections, expect to feel a mild burning sensation under the surface. We will provide you with an icepack and have you rest in the room until the feeling subsides (around 10 minutes)
  • Injection sites may feel tender to the touch, red, and have the potential for bruising, so be gentle with the area.
  • You will experience swelling for 10-14 days! The area will get worst before it gets better, particularly in the first 48 hours. We suggest the following to reduce any swelling -
    • Apply an ice pack three to four times a day for 15 minutes.
    • Drink plenty of water and fluids.
    • If possible, sleep on your back, and your head elevated the night of your treatment.
    • Avoid vigorous exercise and sun/heat exposure for 3-5 days.
  • Don’t book a facial or massage on the same day you’re having Kybella.
  • Use OTC Ibuprofen as needed for tenderness.
  • The treatment area will start to feel firm and lumpy once the swelling subsides - this is normal!


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